Hull wanted to speed up their growth so Asia Matos, Head of Marketing at Hull, set out to find ways to save time and make Hull’s growth team more efficient. After combing over their marketing stack and recent campaigns, she realized that Hull had well-designed landing pages that message-matched the ad copy well, but had below average Quality Scores.
From these findings, Asia saw an opportunity to save Hull money by reducing their cost-per-click. There was one problem — Hull’s current landing page builder just wasn’t cutting it with code quality, page load speed, and overall performance.
After working with virtually every landing page builder out there, Asia knew that the existing ones couldn't keep up with their growth efforts. When she discovered Landing Lion, Asia found what she was looking for. Landing Lion’s seamless landing page builder blasted away all previous bottlenecks they faced.
Asia on the challenges she faced prior to using Landing Lion:
“It used to take hours to build a page even if you had a core set of styling in the other page builder. I would often lose progress because the platform was incredibly slow and clunky. Creating a single page would take infinitely longer; almost an entire day."
As a seasoned digital marketer, Asia knows that code quality behind each page must be pristine and easy to read for search engine bots. Since Landing Lion cleans the code of every landing page, Asia was able to build with speed knowing that each page is automatically compliant with all web standards.
Asia on using Landing Lion for paid campaigns:
"When I looked at the source code while building pages, Landing Lion produced front-end HTML and CSS that is clean and AdWords-ready. Landing Lion’s page builder is a godsend to high-growth digital marketers like me."
Asia and her team rebuilt their existing pages on Landing Lion out of curiosity for how their pages perform in rankings with clean code. The team witnessed a significant difference in their lead acquisition costs once Hull equipped their marketing stack with Landing Lion.
Landing Lion’s page builder and built-in integrations empowered Asia to create beautiful landing pages and delightful user journeys with speed.
Asia on leveraging Landing Lion's clean semantic markup:
“We moved our pages from our existing tool to Landing Lion, with the exact same content. Our quality score jumped from a 5 to an 8 minimum and our CPC went from around $6.00 dollars down to $0.20."